Saturday, September 24, 2011

So it Begins

What can we say?? Being in your early 30's, single, and female brings it's challenges in the dating world. And by "challenges" we mean a lot of laughter, awkwardness, and "WTH was that?" moments. What all these challenges have taught us, though, in our 3 decades of life, is that, a. we are still awesome, b. God has a sense of humor, and c. that even though we didn't get our 18-year-old-dreams of being married at 21, starting our family of 2.5 children and 2 dogs at 23, and living the rest of our lives as stay-at-home moms at 25, we wouldn't have it ANY other way.

Another realization throughout all this: we know we are not alone. There are a plethora of you fine folks out there who are experiencing or have experienced similar phases of life. We invite you to join in on this journey with us if not for anything else, to share a giggle or two.

So this is the beginning of an adventure....or I should say, a continuation of an adventure. Here we will collaborate experiences from the past, document stories that are unfolding as we speak, and any other fun tales or thoughts that develop throughout this "adventure."