Wednesday, October 5, 2011

That's what friends (and e-harmony) are for

The following is based on actual events.

Once upon a time there were two young women, Millie and Cora. Cora thought Millie was awesome and was really confused as to why some dashing young prince hadn't swept her off her feet yet. Millie wasn't one of those secretly crazy or insane kinda gals, but geniune, sweet and true. So one day Cora found a great guy for Millie to connect with. For reasons unknown, Millie refused. This upset Cora, because a) her plan was brilliant and b) the logic behind Millie's negativity was ridiculous. So to make sure Millie went along with her plan, Cora offered Millie a win-win situation. Option 1: Go along with Cora's original plan and get a gift card to her favorite store. Option 2? Cora would pay and create a profile for Millie on e-harmony. In Cora's mind this was a no-brainer. Get a gift card and do one simple task. But to Cora's amazment, Millie refused option 1, so Cora was left with no choice but to commence Option 2.

Thus we begin our journey into the world of e-harmony. For one whole month, I will daily work on finding the perfect match for my friend. And yes, I am "acting" as Millie the whole time, but we're best friends, so I know her quite well. If I do find a match, then that's when Millie can take over. So here's to trying something that we never said we would!!

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