Well, I'm glad that this week you were all able to meet Bitter Betty, aka Milly. Yes, she can be a bit dramatic (please refer to the possible outcomes she came up with about this e-harmony gig), but I am just trying to help a sister out! Mmhmm, she thinks I am crazy and all I am trying to do is find her love. You're welcome Milly, you're welcome. On that note, let's get onto the week 2 recap!
Things with Spartacus are giving me hope that Milly might get at least a date out of this. For those not familiar with the ways of e-harmony, I shall fill you in. They have ice breakers, questions you can send or the option to jump into email. We're on the level of switching random questions back and forth and so far he is passing the tests. From his responses and questions, he seems funny, intellegent and someone who, if anything, could be a friend. This is good news. I just sent over some more questions, some on deeper level, so we shall see!
As far as other matches....y'all, I just don't get it. What some people choose to put on the internet! I think more about that deserves its own post, so be sure to be on the look out.
Signing off as the best friend a single girl can ask for,
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